Solidaridad Sin Fronteras – SSF is a non-governmental organization composed of interdisciplinary professionals. Our mission is to contribute to the development, integration and wellness of the most vulnerable groups, promoting tolerance, justice, and social responsibility with other organizations and public institutions. Continue reading “Solidaridad Sin Fronteras”
Autore: migrant-litera
Tilburg University
Founded in 1927, Tilburg University (TiU) is a private non-for profit foundation dedicated to the study and understanding of society. TiU hosts five Centres of Eccellence: INTERVICT, Netspar, TILEC, CoRPS and TiCC.
Tilburg University’s goal is to actively contribute to society. We want to serve society and make it a better place for all citizens. Our university has always actively promoted ways to firmly embed our education and research in society. Continue reading “Tilburg University”
Mediawijs, the Flemish Knowledge Centre for Media Literacy, started in January 2013 on initiative of the Flemish Government and is part of imec, a research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. Mediawijs wants to make all citizens today and tomorrow able to consciously, critically and actively move themselves in a mediatized society. It plays a coordinating and inspiring role within the media literacy field. Continue reading “Mediawijs”
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PROACADEMY is a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) which was created in 2005 with main goal adult education.
PROACADEMY is Civic Association is a legal entity which operates as an independent, non-political organization which develops by its activities democracy, human rights and freedom and contributes to the development of civic activities and volunteering. Continue reading “Proacademy”
The JFF in Brief
Since 1949 the JFF has been investigating how younger generations deal with media through research and practical experience.
The media usage of adolescents and promoting media competence has been the starting point for JFF activities in the fields of research and pedagogical work for more than 60 years.
Combining empirical research and educational practice is characteristic of the work of JFF. Research results form the basis of educational schemes for educational, developmental, and cultural work with children and adolescents.
These research activities are reciprocally supplemented by educational practice. Continue reading “JFF”
Stowarzyszenie Młodych Dziennikarzy Polis (Young Journalists’ Association Polis) is the organisation which deals with media literacy, journalistic skills and human rights. The aim of Polis is to help young people and their teachers to overcome passivity and helplessness – to discover, express and share the ethos of Human Rights and the vocation to participate in policy making and public life. Our main field of interest and action is civic journalism, training in responsible media work and use. Continue reading “Polis”